"Many people, especially
ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for
being correct.
Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of
your time.
If you're right and you know it, speak your mind.
Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth."
Mahatma Gandhi


James Corbett / Craig Murray
"In many respects, the
Fourth Estate has become the fifth column of democracy, colluding
with the powers that be in a culture of deception that subverts
the thing most necessary to freedom, and that is the truth."
Bill Moyers

Frank Scott / Mateo Pimentel / Greg Maybury / Roberto Sirvent
"In the United States,
concentrated media - Big Media - may have replaced Big Brother
as the principal danger to the open public dialogue that makes
democracy possible."
Martin Kaplan, 2007
Tim King / John Rachel / Anthony James Hall
"TV has long been trapped
in an oppositional format. Conflict makes for drama. Actual intelligent
discussion is too boring. If somebody is not shot or defamed every
thirty seconds the audience may turn the channel. It's amazing
that millions of human beings still tune into this trash."
James McEnteer
Mnar Mahawesh / Leonard Savin / Brian Becker / Carey McWilliams
"A Truth Emergency reflects
cumulative failures of the fourth estate to act as a truly free
press. This truth emergency is seen in inadequate coverage of
fraudulent elections, pseudo 9/11 investigations, illegal preemptive
wars, torture camps, doctored intelligence, and domestic surveillance.
Reliable information on these issues is systematically missing
in corporate media outlets, where the vast majority of the American
people continue to turn for news and information."
Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff

Johan Gautung / John Chuckman / Michael K Smith / Robert Epstein
"Americans have been manipulated
by the elites in government and its allies in state propaganda
(otherwise known as the "mainstream media") to accept,
particularly post-9/11, the deeply anti-American proposition that
we must yield our privacy and Constitutionally-guaranteed civil
liberties to a government that promises it will not abuse its
increased power over us but will only use it to keep us safe.
These promises have been over and over again proven to be lies.
Government is not targeting terrorism or terrorists: they are
targeting average American citizens"
Daniel McAdams

Donald Liebich / Neal Barnard, MD / Marga Osman
"The media is a Counter-Intelligence
organisation. The media backs every war. The role of the media
and embedded historians is to surround the truth with a bodyguard
of lies."
Greg Hallett
"The political establishment
and its media allies have created a powerful intellectual defense
against major criticism by investing considerable resources in
stigmatizing the notion of so-called "conspiracy theories."
This harsh pejorative term is applied to any important analysis
of events that sharply deviates from the officially-endorsed narrative,
and implicitly suggests that the proponent is a disreputable fanatic,
suffering from delusions, paranoia, or other forms of mental illness.
Such ideological attacks often effectively destroy his credibility,
allowing his actual arguments to be ignored."
Ron Unz
"We live in a world where
our understanding of the world is constantly being deceitfully
manipulated by oligarchic media propaganda and the utterances
of oligarch-owned politicians. Where elections are mostly just
a live-action role-playing game that allows the rabble to pretend
that they have some degree of influence over the things that their
government does. Where our government routinely forms alliances
with the worst Bad Guys on the planet while manufacturing consent
to topple governments whose downfall would be utterly disastrous.
Where our nation's problems have almost nothing to do with half
its population disagreeing with our personal ideology, and practically
everything to do with the loose international alliance of plutocrats
and government agencies who actually run things behind the facade
of the comings and goings of official elected governments."
Caitlin Johnstone